Effortless Fun for Busy Families: Easy Low Prep STEM Activities in Every Box
July 31, 2024 / Heather Reyes

Keeping children engaged and excited while learning at home is certainly a challenge. To encourage children to go beyond their regular coursework, many parents set up STEM activities at home to spark their curiosity, develop critical thinking, and create quality family time.
However, preparing fun and meaningful STEM activities is not easy. How can busy families easily incorporate STEM activities and experience the joy of STEM creation at home? It's time to learn about subscription boxes that are easy to prepare STEM activities or even require no preparation at all.
What Should an Easy Low Prep STEM Subscription Box Include?
It contains all the necessary materials for the STEM activities
STEM activities involve a lot of hands-on projects and encompass knowledge across multiple disciplines and domains. Preparing the materials for these activities often requires a significant amount of time and effort.
Tinkerer STEAM Box includes all the necessary materials required for easy low prep STEM activities in a themed box. Every month your child receives a box centered around a specific topic with complete materials, tools, and concepts for STEM-related activities. There is no need for any additional preparation - the moment the box is opened is when the STEM activity begins.

Children can complete the STEM activities independently
This is a very important point! Many activities overlook the current developmental abilities of children, resulting in them constantly needing help from their parents. This not only disrupts the child's focus but also damages their self-confidence.
Tinkerer STEAM Box is designed based on the developmental characteristics of children at different age groups and comes with clear graphical instructions to help the child complete the creative activities independently. When the child is immersed in the STEM activities, busy parents can also make themselves a cup of coffee and enjoy some time for themselves.

Professionally designed STEM content and system
Conducting STEM activities at home is not actually that difficult as we can find abundant resources online to guide us on how to do it. The challenge lies in how busy families can select STEM content for their children and how to achieve systematic learning expansion. This is an issue that requires significant time and effort and is also the reason why many busy families are unable to integrate STEM activities into their daily lives.
Tinkerer STEAM Box perfectly solves this problem. We have done all the research and preparation so you don't have to.
The subscription box features STEM activities centered around an interesting theme each month, sparking the child's curiosity and sense of exploration. Accompanying science activity magazines help the child understand the scientific principles behind the projects, enabling multifaceted knowledge and skill expansion.
Tinkerer STEAM Box is available as a subscription with a new box shipped to the home every month. This saves busy parents the hassle of having to plan, select resources, and repeatedly purchase materials.
STEM activities that are easy to prep and suitable for conducting at home

Let’s take a look at “Coloured Science” STEAM Box to get a sense of what’s inside.
The activities are primarily divided into five parts: building a pen-making machine, constructing a set of watercolour pencils, learning the science of chromatography, making a batik fabric bag, and reading a science magazine about colour.
All the materials needed for the activities are already prepared. Older children can complete all the explorations in one focused session while younger children can explore the different sections according to their actual capabilities.
These easy-to-prepare STEM activities can meet the needs of family members of different ages and skill levels, allowing everyone to participate and benefit. Whether it's the first time encountering STEM or for experienced participants, they can all find suitable challenges and enjoyment.
You can dedicate an entire weekend afternoon to spend quality time with your child or you can utilize scattered daily moments to make STEM a continuous family activity.

For example, your child can spend an hour after school to create the pen-making machine and watercolour pencils, half an hour after dinner to do the science experiment, another hour after school to experience the batik art, and then read the magazine to learn about colour mixing and decomposition, the working principle of inkjet printers, the amazing colour phenomena in nature, the chromatography experiment with leaves, as well as some colour-related multiplication.

The magazine includes many guiding questions for in-depth thinking and open-ended exploration such as:
Can chromatography only be done with water?
Can all colours be decomposed?
Why do leaves have different colours?
These questions and prompts can spark new ideas and innovative adventures, inspiring the children to be creative.

Through simple pixel art creation we help children understand the working principle of inkjet printers
This easy prep STEM activity starts from the children's interest in colour and gradually expands into the fields of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. All the activities can be completed in a single session without the need for complex preparation or cleanup.
Gayle, a busy mom who homeschools and runs her own business, had this to say about our STEM subscription box:
“Tinkerer delivers high-quality materials, engaging science projects, fascinating art activities, and fantastic learning magazines. With Tinkerer STEAM Box, you can dive into making, playing, and exploring which is not just fun but also a glimpse into blossoming creativity and problem-solving skills. As a homeschooling self-employed family like ours, Tinkerer has been a game-changer.”

As parents, we know it's not easy to provide high-quality STEM experiences for our children on our own. The Tinkerer STEM subscription box aims to make STEM activities simple and convenient for families, allowing hands-on exploration and creation to become an easily accessible educational supplement for all families. To achieve this goal, we've already done all the research and preparation so you don't have to.
Subscribe to Tinkerer STEAM Box, and easily enjoy high-quality family time making STEM activities a part of your daily family life. We're excited to embark on this journey with you!